You thought the teething days were over. The endless nights of crying while trying to soothe your little one’s discomfort are just far enough in the distance that suddenly, you wonder why it is happening again now that they are a bit older. Two-year molars are the last set of baby teeth your child receives and unfortunately, they can be just as uncomfortable erupting. Hear from a pediatric dentist who can explain what you should do for your little one to manage their pain and when you might consider seeking professional help.
What Are Two-Year Molars?
As the last of your child’s baby teeth erupt, these molars can be highly unpleasant because of their size. As they push through the gum tissue, it can cause much pain and discomfort, leaving your child unhappy and quite teary-eyed.
It is not uncommon that drooling, irritability, sore gums, and chewing on toys or other objects will likely result in the arrival of these teeth. However, not all children experience issues when their two-year molars erupt. Every child is different.
How Can I Help with My Child’s Discomfort?
But if your little one is like most children, they will tell you that they are experiencing much discomfort and pain. To remedy this problem and help them to feel more like their normal self, there are a few things you can do to alleviate this discomfort, such as:
- Using cool water on a wet washcloth and allowing your child to chew on it
- Placing a cool, wet gauze on their gums
- Feeding them cool, hard fruits and vegetables can help to relieve some of the discomfort because biting down can take the pressure off the erupting molar (i.e., carrots, cucumbers, apples)
- Giving them acetaminophen (Tylenol) in the proper dosage as indicated as a last resort and not for more than a few days
- If discomfort persists, see your board-certified pediatric dentist
You’ll want to avoid giving your child anything that contains benzocaine (i.e., Orajel), as it can be harmful to infants should they accidentally swallow the contents.
When Should I Take Them to See a Dentist?
As with most teething situations, it will require some time for the teeth to push through the gum tissue. With careful attention at home, the pain will eventually go away on its own. However, should you notice any of the following symptoms developing, do not delay in getting your child in to see a physician:
- Difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Bluish or pale skin
- Headaches
- Rapid heartbeat
Once your child’s two-year molars erupt, you can take a breath and be grateful you’re passed this milestone in your child’s life. Although it might seem difficult to maneuver, your child’s pediatric dentist and team are ready to provide the attention and compassion your little one needs to embrace a healthier, complete smile.
About the Author
At Brush Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Mira Albert leads a team of pediatric dentists who make it possible for little ones to achieve healthier smiles. As children grow, their molars will begin to erupt, possibly causing much confusion for parents, as they often assume the teething stage is over by the time their child reaches the age of 2. Contact us at (630) 504-2223 to discover what tips we can provide to help you and your little one make it through this last stage.