Advanced Dental Technology Hinsdale and Downers Grove

Simplifying Visits with the Latest Tech

Row of dental instruments with screen in background showing x ray of teeth

Whether your child is seeing us for a routine dental checkup and cleaning or an unexpected dental emergency, we use high-quality, safe, and efficient digital technology to make each experience a breeze at both of our pediatric dental offices in Hinsdale and Downers Grove. Our digital X-rays allow us to precisely locate the source of pain so we can quickly address it, as well as see the early signs of common oral health concerns. We invite you to read more about our advanced dental technology below.

Digital Dental X-Rays

Dental team member looking at digital dental x rays

Dr. Mira Albert and her staff only take X-rays when necessary. They follow a "prescription radiology" approach. What does this mean? It means that they evaluate and assess each child and only take X-rays based on cavity risk or an inability to clinically view certain sides of the teeth.

Radiographs, commonly known as X-rays, are an important part of your child's preventive and diagnostic care routine. X-rays help us examine how adult teeth are forming in the jaw, detect problems, diagnose disease, evaluate injuries, and plan various treatments. Each child we see is different, and the need for digital X-rays will differ from child to child. We follow current radiology guidelines set forth by the AAPD and ADA. You can rest assured that Dr. Albert will always take a conservative approach, and that Brush Pediatric Dentistry will do everything in our power to protect your little one's safety and dental health.

Less Radiation, More Smiling with Digital X-Rays

Young girl in dental chair smiling at her dentist

At Brush Pediatric Dentistry, we offer modern dental care including digital X-rays. This technology offers several advantages over traditional X-rays. First and foremost, digital X-rays use up to 90% less radiation! That's huge when it comes to your child's health! What else is great about digital radiography in children's dentistry?

  • Quick and comfortable
  • Enhanced, instantly viewable images
  • Electronic storage for instant retrieval
  • Digital delivery

How Digital Dental X-Rays Work

Child having digital x rays of their teeth taken

Instead of using film and a large, noisy machine, digital radiography only needs a small sensor. Exposure time is just a little more than one tenth of a second per X-ray, so your child won’t have to worry about their wiggles quite so much. This shorter exposure is one of the ways digital X-rays limit radiation exposure. Once the radiographs are complete, we’ll simply bring them up on a chairside monitor for review.

Are Digital Dental X-Rays Safe for Kids?

Child holding tablet with dental x rays in front of their mouth

Yes, Dr. Albert chooses to use digital X-rays in her practice because of safety. This allows us to gather information essential to your child's dental health without the risks associated with conventional X-ray methods. Even though digital X-rays produce much less radiation, we take no chances with your child’s health. We take additional precautions, including lead aprons and thyroid collars that shield and protect the body.

What If My Child Already Has Film X-Rays?

Child in dental office looking at digital x ray of teeth

We understand you want to minimize your child’s exposure to radiation. If your child has previously had traditional X-rays, accepting film digitally is no problem for us. Our team uses advanced software that allows for the digital transfer of film for families transitioning into our practice.